Explaining and Understanding Formal and Informal Institutions in the Age of Globalization

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Abiodun Ghali Issa
Adebimpe Saheed Fagbemi, PhD
’Bimbo Ogunbanjo, PhD
Christiana Ayah Fagbemi


Our social order is shaped by institutions, which makes them important. Governmental players adhere to the formal or informal regulations that institutions set out. Any political system has informal institutions, albeit it can be challenging to understand how they relate to formal ones. An extensive examination of the many definitions of institutions is presented in this paper. Many instances from many subfields are given, which in turn emphasize how universal the key issues facing political actors in various substantive situations are. Afterwards, it is clarified what the ramifications of considering institutions in this way are and how they contribute to these strategic problems by resolving or generating them (consciously or not). Understanding how institutions function necessitates looking at their historical background. Three specific obstacles that arise when attempting to understand and justify the beginnings of institutions are identified; these issues indicate some of the domains in which our understanding of institutions is limited. This paper aims to highlight the common challenges encountered when attempting to comprehend the formation and operation of institutions, offering valid reasons for researchers in related fields to collaborate more to improve our understanding of institutions. Generally speaking, it is untrue to say that there is a boundary between absolutely "formal" and fully "informal" institutions. This paper reveals that this unexpected claim is an invitation for academics to consider several issues. Firstly, to distinguish formal and informal institutions from one another, definitions of each are required. Second, discussing the connection between formal and informal institutions is crucial. By doing this, disparities between various forms of informal institutions and their ranges of complexity are distinguished. Third, it is critical to comprehend how formal and informal institutions affect the sort of regime (autocracy vs. democracy) and vice versa. The subject of how informal institutions are generated, created, and maintained is also discussed in this context. This paper concludes with a discussion of methodological perspectives on formal and informal institutions. It considers the use of typologies that encompass formal institutions and are frequently employed in the study of governance systems for this reason. The discovery by certain researchers that informal structures have a significant and frequently surprising impact on the functioning of formal institutions serves as the foundation for subsequent discussions.

Keywords: Institutions, Formal Institutions, Informal Institutions, Governance System, Regime Types, Democracy, Decision-Making

Article Details

Issa, A. G., Fagbemi, A. S., Ogunbanjo, ’Bimbo, & Fagbemi, C. A. (2024). Explaining and Understanding Formal and Informal Institutions in the Age of Globalization. African Journal of Humanities and Contemporary Education Research, 17(1), 15-45. https://doi.org/10.62154/ajhcer.2024.016.010430

Copyright (c) 2024 Abiodun Ghali ISSA, Adebimpe Saheed FAGBEMI, PhD, ’Bimbo Ogunbanjo, PhD, Christiana Ayah Fagbemi (Author)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Abiodun Ghali Issa, University of Arizona Global Campus, Arizona, United States  of America.

Forbes School of Business and Technology,

University of Arizona Global Campus, Arizona, United States of America.

Adebimpe Saheed Fagbemi, PhD, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, Republic of South Africa.

Department of Criminology and Forensic Studies,

University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, Republic of South Africa.

’Bimbo Ogunbanjo, PhD, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria.

Department of Government,

Lagos State University, School of Basic and Advanced Studies, Lagos, Nigeria.

Christiana Ayah Fagbemi, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Karonmajigi, Abuja, Nigeria.

Department of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution,

Faculty of Social Science,

National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Karonmajigi, Abuja, Nigeria.

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