Leveraging Cost-Effective AI and Smart Technologies for Rapid Infrastructural Development in USA
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High cost of building makes houses expensive for US citizens and residents. Thus, this study proposes the leveraging of cost-effective artificial intelligence (AI) and smart technologies (ST) for rapid infrastructural development in US. It considers them as sustainable means of tackling the challenges for the attainment of affordable houses. The study explores the potentials of prominent AI and smart technologies capable of reducing the cost of building houses in the US, for which houses would become affordable for all. The primary data are obtained from telephone interviews with 10 construction workers and 5 experts of AI, alongside observation and introspection. The secondary data are drawn from library and the internet. Qualitative method, thematic and content analyses, systematic review, and descriptive and interpretive tools are employed. The results show Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, and Robotic Process Automation to be prominent cost-effective AI technologies, while Building Automation Systems, Internet of Things, Renewable Energy Systems, and Smart Water Management Systems are cost-effective smart technologies. The study concludes that the identified AI and smart technologies are not only cost-effective, but also transformative and innovation-driven and can be leveraged to increase efficiency, productivity, quality delivery and satisfactory services. The study recommends them to government and organizations for cost-effectiveness towards attaining rapid infrastructural development in the USA.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Akintayo Philips Akinola (Author)

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