Chemical Composition of Rauvolfia Vomitoria Leaves as a Feed Resource for Ruminant Species

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Ekanem, N. J. 
Afolabi, K. D. 
Inyang, U. A. 
Enyenihi, G. E. 
Mbaba, E. N. 
Unah, U. L. 
Solomon, I. P. 
Ebenso, I. E. 
Udoh, J. E. 
Isaac, L. J. 
Eko, P. M. 
Assam, E. D. 
Jack, A. A. 
Okon, I. E. 
Etteh, U. D. 
Agwu, A. E. 
Okon, U. E. 
Udo, A. L. 


Rauvolfia vomitoria is a browse plant with lactogenic properties and it is available all year round. This research sought to evaluate the proximate, minerals, vitamins composition, fibre fractions and anti-nutritional factors present in the leaves of Rauvolfia vomitoria (RV). Fresh leaves of RV were harvested and taken to the laboratory immediately for chemical analyses following standard procedures. Results obtained showed that RV contained 19.33 % crude protein, 6.64 % crude fibre, 61.69 % nitrogen free extract, 67.60 mg/100g calcium, 180.11 mg/100g magnesium, 68.31 mg/100g phosphorus, 128.16 mg/100g sodium, 47.93 mg/100g potassium, 18.82 mg/100g vitamin A, 64.74 mg/100g vitamin C, 41.62 mg/100g vitamin D, 20.85 mg/100g vitamin E and 13.26 mg/100g vitamin K. Rauvolfia vomitoria leaves also contained 62.91 % neutral detergent  fibre, 39.00 % acid detergent fibre, 15.25% acid detergent lignin, 23.75 % cellulose, 23.91 % hemicellulose,  20.04 mg/100g tannins, 3,61 mg/100g saponin, 128.96 mg/100g oxalic acid, 43.18 mg/100g phytic acid and 15.78 mg/100g hydrocyanic acid. These rich chemical constituents of RV leaves will make it to support optimum reticulo-rumen fermentation, digestibility and retention of nutrients which in turn will result in maximum productivity in terms of milk and meat by ruminant animals.

Article Details

Ekanem, N. J., Afolabi, K. D., Inyang, U. A., Enyenihi, G. E., Mbaba, E. N., Unah, U. L., Solomon, I. P., Ebenso, I. E., Udoh, J. E., Isaac, L. J., Eko, P. M., Assam, E. D., Jack, A. A., Okon, I. E., Etteh, U. D., Agwu, A. E., Okon, U. E., & Udo, A. L. (2025). Chemical Composition of Rauvolfia Vomitoria Leaves as a Feed Resource for Ruminant Species. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research, 17(1), 232-240.

Copyright (c) 2025 Ekanem, N. J., Afolabi, K. D., Inyang, U. A., Enyenihi, G. E., Mbaba, E. N., Unah, U. L., Solomon, I. P., Ebenso, I. E., Udoh, J. E., Isaac, L. J., Eko, P. M., Assam, E. D., Jack, A. A., Okon, I. E., Etteh, U. D., Agwu, A. E., Okon, U. E., Udo, A. L. (Author)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Ekanem, N. J., University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science,

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Afolabi, K. D., University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science,

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Inyang, U. A., University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science,

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Enyenihi, G. E., University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. 

Mbaba, E. N., University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. 

Agwu, A. E., Federal Polytechnic Ngodo-Isuochi, Abia State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Health and Production Technology,

Federal Polytechnic Ngodo-Isuochi, Abia State, Nigeria.

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