Achieving Housing Affordability in the U.S. through Sustained Use of AI and Robotic Process Automation for Prefabricated Modular Construction

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Akintayo Philips Akinola 
Bharadwaj Thuraka 
Similoluwa Blossom Adesuwa Okpeseyi 


The rising housing issues occasioned by high costs in the United States (US) are traceable to the high costs of building materials and construction. This study proposes the combined leveraging of AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for prefabricated modular construction as a strategic means of reducing high costs of housing and increasing efficiency in construction. It argues that doing so would pave way for housing affordability in the US. Deploying descriptive survey and qualitative method alongside the applicable interpretive and descriptive techniques, the study demonstrates in the course of its analysis that AI and RPA are viable means of reducing costs of construction and housing, and increasing efficiency. It submits that amidst the established constraints to the ideal extent of leveraging AI for construction activities, the leveraging of AI and RPA for prefabricated modular construction yields huge positive results among which are reduced costs of construction and housing and increased efficiency in construction. Government and construction organizations are charged to play enabling roles in the adoption and sustainability of AI and RPA in construction activities, including prefabricated modular construction, so as to achieve reduced costs of housing and increase efficiency in construction.

Article Details

Akintayo Philips Akinola, Bharadwaj Thuraka, & Similoluwa Blossom Adesuwa Okpeseyi. (2024). Achieving Housing Affordability in the U.S. through Sustained Use of AI and Robotic Process Automation for Prefabricated Modular Construction. African Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Research, 15(1), 122-134.

Copyright (c) 2024 Akintayo Philips Akinola, Bharadwaj Thuraka, Similoluwa Blossom Adesuwa Okpeseyi (Author)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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