Assessment of Organizational Capacity and Challenges in Disability Sports Participation by Secondary School Students with Special Needs in Ibadan, Nigeria

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Oladipupo O. S. 
Adegbesan O. A. 
Alamu J. D. 
Ajisafe P. 


The study assessed organizational capacity and challenges in disability sports participation by secondary school students with special needs in Ibadan, Nigeria. The tested independent variables were organizational predators variables of strategic planning, network capacity, logistics, funding sources, sports infrastructure, interest of coaches and knowledge of organizing personnel while disability sport participation was used as the dependent variable. Strategic planning (ß=0.289, t=2.816, p=0.008), logistics (ß=0.612, t=7.103, p=0.000), interest of coaches (ß=0.536, t=7.795, p=0.000) and knowledge of organizing personnel (ß=0.500, t=7.836, p=0.000) were independently tested significantly on disability sport participation while network capacity (ß=0.171, t=1.772, p=0.085), funding sources (ß=0.082, t=1.360, p=0.182) and sports infrastructure (ß=0.111, t=1.948, p=0.059) are not independently tested significant on disability sport participation. There is a composite joint contribution of strategic planning, network capacity, infrastructure, funding, logistics, interest of coaches, and knowledge of organizing personnel on disability sports participation in schools of individuals with special needs in Ibadan, Nigeria (F(7,39)=100.210, p=0.00). The result also generated a coefficient multiple regression of R=0.977 and R2 =0.955; implying that about 95.5% of variance was accounted for by the independent variable. Strategic planning, logistics, interest of coaches, and knowledge of organizing personnel variables individually and collectively showed a positive contribution to disability sport participation, hence, there is a need to consider them on the subject of disability sport participation in schools of individuals with special needs in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Article Details

Oladipupo, O. S., Adegbesan, O. A., Alamu, J. D., & Ajisafe, P. (2024). Assessment of Organizational Capacity and Challenges in Disability Sports Participation by Secondary School Students with Special Needs in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Sports and Physical Sciences, 2(1), 1-15.

Copyright (c) 2024 Oladipupo O. S., Adegbesan O. A., Alamu J. D., Ajisafe P. (Author)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Oladipupo O. S., Sport Management and Policy Development, Pan African University, Life and Earth Sciences Institute (Including Health and Agriculture), Nigeria.

Sport Management and Policy Development Programme,

Pan African University Life and Earth Science Institute (Including Health and Agriculture),

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

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