Conflicts in Northern Nigeria and the Role of (Inter-)Religious Education in Peacebuilding

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Geneva Blackmer 
Yitnaa Athanasius Akila  


This study investigates the sociopolitical and historical underpinnings of conflict in Nigeria, focusing on how religious education exacerbates tensions. Using a descriptive survey research design and thematic analysis of Nigeria's religious education curricula, it highlights deep-rooted ethnic, regional, and religious divisions, particularly in the northern regions, where mistrust and violence hinder peaceful coexistence. A central finding is the inadequacy of existing religious education frameworks, particularly in Christianity and Islam, which fail to engage meaningfully with religious "Others," thereby deepening societal divides. To address this, the research advocates for integrating interreligious education into Nigeria’s national curriculum. Key recommendations include introducing interreligious education at the primary level to foster early appreciation for diversity and unity, training educators to effectively teach these subjects, and developing inclusive curricula that promote dialogue without bias or proselytization. These reforms aim to instill values of tolerance, mutual respect, and social cohesion, empowering students to engage with diverse perspectives while preserving their own beliefs. This study addresses a critical research gap by highlighting the transformative potential of interreligious education, an area often overlooked in favor of general peace education. Given the absence of empirical studies in the Nigerian context, this research bridges theoretical insights with practical recommendations. However, future studies are essential to evaluate the long-term impacts of interreligious education on fostering peace and transforming interfaith relationships, providing valuable evidence to guide sustainable policy reforms.

Article Details

Blackmer, G., & Athanasius Akila , Y. . (2025). Conflicts in Northern Nigeria and the Role of (Inter-)Religious Education in Peacebuilding. African Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 2(1), 187-212.

Copyright (c) 2025 Geneva Blackmer, Yitnaa Athanasius Akila (Author)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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