The Influence of Geography on the Economy and Society of Yola Metropolis in the 19th Century
Main Article Content
The paper is a study of the influence of geography on the economy and society of Yola metropolis in the 19th Century, Fombina emirate. It examines the various fundamental changes witnessed in the spheres of societal development at the grassroots level. It discusses the major geographical features such as soil taxonomy, climate, rainfall, vegetation as well as the mountains and topography of Yola. The paper also studies some indigenous traditional economic activities of the people (i.e., Bata, Fulbe, Laka and Verre, etc.) of Yola metropolis, including agriculture and non-agricultural occupations such as farming, fishing, hunting, iron works, wood carving, leader works, pottery and weaving, as well as the development of trade and commercial activities. Qualitative data collection and analysis were used in line with historical methods. The interviews, surveys and fieldwork observation were the main sources of the data collection. In the analysis, historical techniques of assessment, critical evaluation, constructive analysis and narration were used in addressing the subject. Using a variety of sources, such as written documents, archival sources and oral interviews. The findings of this paper show that the pre-colonial economy of Yola metropolis and its environs (towns and villages) was similar in nature. This is because of the related nature of the whole environment of the Upper Benue Valley. The study reveals that the nature of the geography and its impact on the land influences the development of Yola metropolis vis-a-vis, which fosters more socio-economic and political developments for the communities that constitute Fombina emirate, both at local, regional and international levels.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2025 Chubado Umaru, Fatimah Dembo Bello, PhD (Author)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Chubado Umaru, Federal University Gusau, Nigeria.
Office of the DVC Administration,
Federal University Gusau, Nigeria.
Fatimah Dembo Bello, PhD, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Arewa House, Centre for Historical Research & Documentation,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria.
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