Optimizing Building Orientation for Passive Cooling A Comparative Study of Museums in Lagos

Main Article Content

Justice E. Egwabor 
Alokun M. Aishat 
Olodeoku E. Mosopefoluwa 
Akintunde Onamade O. 


This research paper explores the application of passive design strategies in three museums in Lagos, Nigeria: The National Museum, Jaekel House, and the Heritage Museum in Badagry. The study focuses on building orientation as a key passive design strategy and evaluates its effectiveness in enhancing energy efficiency and thermal comfort in tropical climates. With the use of data collection from Google Earth Pro, a comparative analysis examines the architectural features and design elements of each museum, highlighting their use of building orientation, shading devices, and landscaping to optimize passive cooling and natural lighting. The innovative layout and strategic orientation of the National Museum demonstrate a successful integration of passive design strategies, while Jaekel House's use of deep overhangs and vegetation showcases a deliberate commitment to sustainable architecture. The Heritage Museum in Badagry, with its historical significance, presents an intriguing case study for passive design. While limited information is available, satellite imagery suggests an optimal orientation for passive solar design, complemented by deep overhangs and a reflective roof. The findings suggest that the three museums can benefit from further enhancements to their passive design strategies, including the integration of renewable energy sources, smart building systems, green roof systems, and water harvesting and management systems. In addition, educational initiatives can raise awareness and promote sustainable practices among visitors and the local community.

Article Details

Justice, E. E., Alokun, M. A., Olodeoku, E. M., & Akintunde, O. O. (2024). Optimizing Building Orientation for Passive Cooling: A Comparative Study of Museums in Lagos. African Journal of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy, 16(1), 01-16. https://doi.org/10.62154/ajesre.2024.016.010372

Copyright (c) 2024 Justice E. Egwabor, Alokun M. Aishat, Olodeoku E. Mosopefoluwa, Akintunde Onamade O. (Author)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Justice E. Egwabor, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Department of Architecture,

College of Environmental Sciences and Management,

Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Alokun M. Aishat, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Department of Architecture,

College of Environmental Sciences and Management,

Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Olodeoku E. Mosopefoluwa, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Department of Architecture,

College of Environmental Sciences and Management,

Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria. 

Akintunde Onamade O., Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria. 

Department of Architecture,

College of Environmental Sciences and Management,

Caleb University, Imota, Lagos State, Nigeria. 

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