Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Challenges of Environmental Sustainability Leveraging AI Technologies for Lasting Solution
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Greenhouse gas emissions pose serious challenges to the environment alongside humans and the non-humans, and limit the achievable extent of environmental sustainability. Previous studies are largely preoccupied with carbon emissions, leaving out the emission extent and effects of methane, propane, butane and ethane. Therefore, this study explores greenhouse gas emissions as challenges to environmental sustainability and proposes the judicious leveraging of AI technologies for lasting solutions to the challenges. It draws insights from Harold-Domar’s Model of Economic Growth and Kuznets’ Environmental Kuznets Curve theory. They both theorize and relate the effects of environmental hazards to economic growth and progress of society. The study relies on secondary data, which are subjected to a systematic review, and thematic and content analyses. The analysis shows a gap in literature on greenhouse gas emissions, and demonstrates that the adverse effects of gas emissions on environment and environmental sustainability can be mitigated significantly by leveraging AI technologies for lasting solutions. The study concludes that AI technologies are indeed capable of proffering lasting solutions to greenhouse gas emissions and other challenges of environmental sustainability. It calls on stakeholders to rise to the challenges and ensure maximal leveraging of AI technologies for lasting solutions to the challenges.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Ivie Ibuemi Otasowie, Vikram Pasupuleti, Adeleke A. Adeoye (Author)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Ivie Ibuemi Otasowie, Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
Department of Engineering Technology,
Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
Vikram Pasupuleti, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920, USA.
School of Technology,
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920, USA.
Adeleke A. Adeoye, University of Hull, Business School, Cottigham, Hu6 7RX.
University of Hull, Business School, Cottigham, Hu6 7RX.
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