A Review of the Qualitative and Quantitative Hydrocarbon Potential of the Offshore Liberian Basin

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Nathan Dolo 
Prof. Olubumi C. Adeigbe  
Prof. Solomon A. Adekola  
Mr. Urias A. Taylor  


This report focuses on the assessment of potential for undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas resources within the Liberian offshore Basin. The 2D and 3D seismic reports were used to generate and evaluate the reservoir systems of the basin, and the syn-rift section. The results show that sediments were deposited during relative sea-level fall along the shoreline. Pyrolysis results indicate a TOC of 2.6 wt% across the basin.  However, Carmine Deep-1 has a TOC range of 1.3-2.55wt%, as well as Nighthawk-1 shows a TOC range of 0.52-3.6 8wt%. This is an indication of mature source rock. The vitrinite reflectance from predrill data analysis (Rock-Eval analysis) has a range of 0.77R% for Carmine Deep-1 and 0.97R% for Nighthawk-1 well. This also shows that the source rock is in the early Mature stage and the type of organic matter present in Carmine-1 formation is different compared to Nighthawk formation. Geochemical analysis from predrill and exploration data of the biomarker shows the presence of an extended tricyclic terpanes in Carmine Deep-1 well, which indicates that marine upwelling took place during the Aptian-Upper Albian/Cenomanian-Turonian interval. This shows that the Aptian-upper Albian/Cenomanian-Turonian interval experienced favourable conditions for organic matter productivity and the development of good hydrocarbon source rocks. The results imply that the basin has a good source rock quality and quantity with Nighthawk-1 and Carmine Deep-1 indicating good source potential, hence, has provided a framework for future prediction of good source rock performance.

Article Details

Dolo, N., Adeigbe , O. C., Adekola , S. A. ., & Taylor , U. A. (2024). A Review of the Qualitative and Quantitative Hydrocarbon Potential of the Offshore Liberian Basin. African Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Research, 17(1), 194-212. https://doi.org/10.62154/ajastr.2024.017.010481

Copyright (c) 2024 Nathan Dolo, Prof. Olubumi C. Adeigbe , Prof. Solomon A. Adekola , Mr. Urias A. Taylor (Author)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Nathan Dolo, Pan African University for Life and Earth Science Institute (Including Health and Agriculture).

Petroleum Geoscience Program,

Pan African University for Life and Earth Science Institute (Including Health and Agriculture).

Prof. Olubumi C. Adeigbe , Pan African University for Life and Earth Science Institute (Including Health and Agriculture).

Petroleum Geoscience Program,

Pan African University for Life and Earth Science Institute (Including Health and Agriculture).

Prof. Solomon A. Adekola , Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria.

Department of Geology,

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria.

Mr. Urias A. Taylor , Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority, Liberia.

Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority, Liberia.

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