Determinants of Backyard Livestock Farming amongst Households in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria

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Inyang, H.B.


This study analysed the determinants of backyard livestock farming among households in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. The sample size was 166 randomly selected from 6 towns in two local government councils in the FCT, Abuja. Primary and secondary data were used for the study and questionnaire and interview schedules were used to collect data from the respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics were respectively used to analyse the objectives and hypotheses of the study. Results revealed that the average age, household size and farming experience of respondents was 43.01 years, 7 persons and 10.14 years respectively. Also revealed was the fact that female-dominated backyard livestock farming (76.51%), most (56.63%) of who were married and of secondary school educational level (51.81%). Most (71.69%) of them were into full-time farming and of Christian religion (59.64%). The majority (40.36%) of the farmers realized an annual income level of N100,001 - 200,000 and realized an average income of N194,578.31 on a per annum basis. Several benefits like provision of income (mean = 3.55), source of food to the family (mean = 3.40) and source of savings (mean = 2.87), amongst others were derived from backyard livestock farming. Most of the respondents were favourably disposed to the derived benefits derived from the farming practice even though they were confronted with some challenges like, lack of finance with a mean of 3.16, outbreak of pests and diseases (3.03) and theft (mean = 2.93), amongst others that plagued backyard livestock farming practice. However, socioeconomic variables such as respondents’ gender, age, marital status, education and farming experience were significant variables and related to the annual income earned from the backyard.

Keywords: Income Level, Backyard Livestock Farming, Farmers’ Households, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Farming

Article Details

Inyang, H. B. (2024). Determinants of Backyard Livestock Farming amongst Households in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research, 15(1), 93-106.

Copyright (c) 2024 Inyang, H.B. (Author)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Inyang, H.B., National Open University of Nigeria.

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension,

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,

National Open University of Nigeria, KM 4, Kaduna Zaria Express Way, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

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