Assessment of Water Quality for Irrigation of Some Selected Soils/Areas in Yola, Adamawa State, North East, Nigeria

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Gulvi, H. I 
Job, P. E 
Kangare, B. J 
David, A 
Abdullahi, A. R 
Chidonku, B 


The study was carried out to assess the quality of irrigation water in Yola, North-East Nigeria. The study area comprises five locations: Doubeli, Bajabure, Bwaranji, Lake Gerio, and Jabbore. One water sample was collected from each of the five locations to analyze the chemical properties of the water quality for irrigation purposes. The data generated data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The coefficient of variation (CV) and Least Significant Difference (LSD) were used to separate the means at the (P< 0.05) level of significance to test the relationship between and within soil properties using Statistical Analysis System (SAS version 9) statistical software. Based on laboratory results, irrigation water across the five locations indicated a pH range from slightly acidic to neutral conditions (6.45 to 7.28). EC ranged from 0.13 to 0.28 d Sm-1, SAR ranged from 0.57 to 0.67 cmol (+)kg-1 and RSC, CO2-3, HCO-3 and Cl- contents were also low, ranging from 0.40 to 0.56 meq/l, 0.18 to 0.29 meq/l, 0.83 to 0.91 meq/l, and 145.94 to 168.56%,respectively. Hence, ANOVA for water quality showed that there was a highly significant difference between TDS (493.2**), Na (0.006**), SAR (0.003**), CO2-3 (0.003**), HCO-3(0.003**), RSC (0.009**) and Cl-(489.4**) across the locations, respectively. Although EC (0.006*) and Ca (0.075*) at (P <0.05) showed a significant difference in all five locations, pH and Mg did not show any significant difference across the five locations. However, the water in the study area is free from toxicity, and there is no danger of salinity. Therefore, it is suitable for irrigation and can be classified as good quality water.

Article Details

Gulvi, H. I, Job, P. E, Kangare, B. J, David, A, Abdullahi, A. R, & Chidonku, B. (2024). Assessment of Water Quality for Irrigation of Some Selected Soils/Areas in Yola, Adamawa State, North East, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research, 13(1), 69-76.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gulvi, H. I, Job, P. E, Kangare, B. J, David, A, Abdullahi, A. R, Chidonku, B (Author)

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